Online mass intentions

If you wish to have a Mass offered for your intention, please book it well in advance if you wish to have it on a specific day / time, as Mass offerings often get filled quickly. Whilst we do our best to accommodate the Masses you request on the day and at the time specified it is not always possible, especially on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation when the Parish Priest is obliged to offer one Mass “For the People of the Parish”.

You can view the Mass Intentions for the week on the back of the Current Newsletter.

Please complete the online form below and then make your donation online by clicking here

Cash or cheque offerings should be paid to ‘Our Lady and the English Martyrs’ rather than to individual priests. Envelopes for such offerings are available in Church or at the Parish Office in the Rectory. 

If you have any queries specifically relating to your donation payments, please contact Annelize by emailing