Hospital Chaplaincy

Addenbrookes Hospital

Address: Box number: 105. Cambridge University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge. CB2 0QQ.

Tel: 01223 217769


The chaplains are members of staff employed by the Trust to care for the pastoral and spiritual needs of the whole hospital community. Monsignor Eugene Harkness is a member of the Chaplaincy Team at Addenbrookes.

Chaplains are normally on duty Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 4.00pm. At all other times, there is a chaplain on call.

If you are going to be admitted to the hospital or one of your family members is to be admitted, PLEASE CHECK with the Ward Clerk that the patient (you or your next of kin) is registered as a Catholic and that the patient has ticked the box giving permission for a priest or a member of the Chaplaincy Team to visit.