Our church is used by our wider community for many events, from concerts to community meetings and education events. You can read more about these events on this page. To discover more about our wide range of Parish Activities, please click here.
Sacred Music for Lent
Cambridge Chorale
Saturday 22 March 2025 at 7.30pm
Cambridge Chorale perform a concert of sacred music for Lent, including a performance of Frank Martin's monumental Mass.
Tickets not yet available. Please see www.cambridgechorale.org.uk for more details.
U3AC ‘University of the Third Age Cambridge’ uses the Parish Centre for weekly community lectures that cover a wide range of topics from international issues to matters of local interests including arts, current affairs, social science, economics, history, and science.
education visits
Educational School Visits to OLEM form part of children’s learning about creativity in religion, particularly about how art and music are used in religious buildings and worship. The priests dedicate their time answering all the interesting questions the children have and also give them a tour of the church. For bookings please contact: olemoffice@rcdea.org.uk
north newtown residents association
The association uses the Parish Centre for their annual meetings with the City Council, police, school principals and members of the community. The meetings are held in order to:
To represent residents’ views and concerns;
To provide a forum for residents to meet formally to consider matters of local concern and importance;
To encourage and promote a sense of community spirit;
To have a consultative role when there are proposals to make changes in its defined area;
And to focus on broad scope matters that affect all residents.
Please email hello@nntra-cambridge.org for more information about meeting dates.
weekly hospitality
We love connecting with the people in our city and we do so by providing hospitality to those individuals who want to get involved at the church, seeking emotional and well-being support, religious input, and socialising.
We pray that our weekly hospitality will enrich lives.
housebound visits
Housebound visits are scheduled for those living in the city and unable to come to church to receive Holy Communion, Prayer and Socialising.
Please contact olempastoral@rcdea.org.uk for more information.
anglia ruskin university
Once a week we gather with the young Anglia Ruskin University students to study the Holy Bible Scriptures and learn about Catholic teaching.
events for schools
We welcome all Primary and Secondary schools to have their Masses, End of Year Services and Concerts in the church. Confessions can also be scheduled for a group of children during the week.
For bookings, please email olemoffice@rcdea.org.uk